Revenue Reconciliation

Cash Reconciliation


Cash reconciliation is use to track outlet deposit of cash receive from sales and ensure that the deposits have been made and managers are not holding on to the money too long resulting in Cash at Risk. Designed for finance and operations to track missing and late deposits.

Designed to reduce manual effort, this tool ensures accurate reconciliation and provides clear visibility into your revenue data.

Steps for performing reconciliation

  1. Collect data
  2. Run reconciliation
  3. Review Recon Results

1. Collect data

For cash reconciliation, VAL uses data from the POS, Cash deposit declaration and Bank to perform the reconciliation. For POS and Bank data the available option today is as follows:

  • Direct API or database connection
  • Upload report received from FTP server
  • Upload report received from email
  • Upload report into VAL Drive

You can find the instructions on how to upload report into VAL Drive at VDrive

For details for each platform, you can refer to our list of Connector Library. Click on the connector to view the instructions for uploading the report into VAL.

For cash deposit declaration, the data is manually key in by outlet managers who does the deposit or manually uploaded by Finance team depending on customers workflow.

Cash Deposit Declaration (Form Entry)

Each outlet manager are provided a quick entry form for their outlet to record the cash deposit and upload the receipts via their mobile phones.

Each day’s sales is banked in separately for cleaner reconciliation matching, this means 1 entry for each day.

Enter the details of cash deposit

  1. Sales/Business Dates
  2. Amount
  3. Time that deposit was done or cash bag was dropped
  4. Cash bag number (only when cash bag is used)

Once ready click "Create" button

Document image

Once the entry is created, you can change the details if required and click on “Update” to save any changes made.

Document image

To enter a new deposit declaration, click on “Clear” and start entry again for a different business date.

2. Run Reconciliation

To run the reconciliation, you can do it either via the dashboard thru the buttons provided or going to the workflow module to run the specific workflow on the backend.

Matching rules

Match criteria

Match on

Filters applied

01. Exact match on Manual Outlet Tagging and Sales Date and Bank Amount

Manual Outlet Tag = Declaration Outlet AND Manual Sales Date = Declaration Business Date AND Bank Amount = Declaration Bank In Amount

Bank: Trans with manual outlet and sales date tagging

02. Exact match on Manual Outlet Tagging and Sales Date

Manual Outlet Tag = Declaration Outlet AND Manual Sales Date = Declaration Business Date

Bank: Trans with manual outlet and sales date tagging

03. Exact match on Bagno, Amount, and Bank-in Date

Outlet bagno=Bank Stmt bagno AND Outlet amount=Bank Stmt Amount AND Outlet Bank in date =Bank Transaction Date

Bank: Trans with Cash Bag no Outlet: Declarations with Cash Bag no

04. Exact match on Bagno, Amount and Best match for Bank-in Date

Outlet bagno=Bank Stmt bagno AND Outlet amount=Bank Stmt Amount AND Outlet Bank in date =Bank Transaction Date with diff of 1 day,2 days..x days(up to 10)

Bank: Trans with Cash Bag no Outlet: Declarations with Cash Bag no

05. Exact match on Bagno and Bank-in Date

Outlet bagno=Bank Stmt bagno AND Outlet Bank in date =Bank Transaction Date

Bank: Trans with Cash Bag no Outlet: Declarations with Cash Bag no

06. Exact match on Bagno and Best match on Bank-in Date

Outlet bagno=Bank Stmt bagno AND Outlet Bank in date =Bank Transaction Date with diff of 1 day,2 days..x days(up to 10)

Bank: Trans with Cash Bag no Outlet: Declarations with Cash Bag no

07. Full match: Bagno, Amount ,Business Date

Outlet bagno=Bank Stmt bagno AND Outlet amount=Bank Stmt Amount AND Outlet Business Date = Bank Transaction Date

Bank: Trans with Cash Bag no Outlet: Declarations with Cash Bag no

08. Exact match on Bagno, Amount, and Best match on Business Date

Outlet bagno=Bank Stmt bagno AND Outlet amount=Bank Stmt Amount AND Outlet Buisness Date is before Bank Transaction Date within 1 day,2 days..x days(up to 10)

Bank: Trans with Cash Bag no Outlet: Declarations with Cash Bag no

09. Full match: Amount and Bank-in Date Best match: Bagno

Outlet bagno=Bank Stmt bagno(fuzzy match) AND Outlet amount=Bank Stmt Amount AND Outlet Bank in date =Bank Transaction Date

Bank: Trans with Cash Bag no Outlet: Declarations with Cash Bag no

10. Full match: Amount and Best match: Bagno and Bank-in Date

Outlet bagno=Bank Stmt bagno(fuzzy match) AND Outlet amount=Bank Stmt Amount AND Outlet Bank in date =Bank Transaction Date with diff of 1 day,2 days..x days(up to 10)

Bank: Trans with Cash Bag no Outlet: Declarations with Cash Bag no

11. Full match: Bank-in Date Best match: Bagno

Outlet bagno=Bank Stmt bagno(fuzzy match) AND Outlet Bank in date =Bank Transaction Date

Bank: Trans with Cash Bag no Outlet: Declarations with Cash Bag no

12. Best match: Bagno and Bank-in Date

Outlet bagno=Bank Stmt bagno(fuzzy match) AND Outlet Bank in date =Bank Transaction Date with diff of 1 day,2 days..x days(up to 10)

Bank: Trans with Cash Bag no Outlet: Declarations with Cash Bag no

13. Full match: Amount and Business Date and Best match: Bagno

Outlet bagno=Bank Stmt bagno(fuzzy match) AND Outlet amount=Bank Stmt Amount AND Outlet Business Date = Bank Transaction Date

Bank: Trans with Cash Bag no Outlet: Declarations with Cash Bag no

14. Full match: Amount and Best match: Bagno and Business Date

Outlet bagno=Bank Stmt bagno(fuzzy match) AND Outlet amount=Bank Stmt Amount AND Outlet Business Date is before Bank Transaction Date within 1 day,2 days..x days(up to 10)

Bank: Trans with Cash Bag no Outlet: Declarations with Cash Bag no

15. Exact match on Bagno, best match on Business Date

Outlet bagno=Bank Stmt bagno AND Outlet Business Date is before Bank Transaction Date within 1 day,2 days..x days(up to 10)

Bank: Trans with Cash Bag no Outlet: Declarations with Cash Bag no

16. Exact match on Outlet Bank In Amount and Bank In Date and Time within 1 hour of Bank Transaction Date and Time

Outlet bank in date and time  within 1 hour of Bank Transaction Date and Time AND Outlet amount=Bank Stmt Amount


17. Exact match on Outlet Bank In Amount and Bank In Date and Time within 6 hours of Bank Transaction Date and Time

Outlet bank in date and time  within 6h of Bank Transaction Date and Time AND Outlet amount=Bank Stmt Amount


18. Exact match on Outlet Bank In Date and Amount

Outlet bank in date = Bank Transaction Date AND Outlet amount=Bank Stmt Amount


19. Exact match on Amount and Best match on Bank In Date

Outlet bank in date = Bank Transaction Date with diff 1 day,2 days… (up to 10) AND Outlet amount=Bank Stmt Amount


Outlet Business Date = Bank Transaction Date AND Outlet amount=Bank Stmt Amount


21. Exact match on Amount and Best match on Business Date

Outlet Business Date = Bank Transaction Date with diff 1 day,2 days… (up to 10) AND Outlet amount=Bank Stmt Amount


22. Full match: Amount

Outlet amount=Bank Stmt Amount


Additional notes:

  • Sequence of matching: Outlet declaration matched against bank statement by running 1st rule for all records. Once match is found, both outlet declaration and bank transaction is removed from matching process. Then match is run using 2nd rule for all remaining unmatched records and so on. This ensures the best match is done according to rule priority and also means bulk cash bag can be matched using the bank in transaction time and exact amount matching.
  • For multiple matches, do matching by outlet code asc.
  • Where deposit declaration is missing, matching will be done using POS amount.
  • Days Late is a setting which users can define. Default is 3 days, ie on the 4th day after POS sales, if bank trans is still not tagged, the record will be flagged as 1 day late.
  • Best match for cashbag no is set to default 0.9(1 = perfect match).

3. Review Recon Results

Go to the dashboard to view the reconciliation result. Please refer to our list of dashboard at the end of the article, where we list the dashboard name for each platform.

The recon dashboard contains the following widget

  • Data Availability
  • Company Level Mismatch
  • Entity or Brand Level Month Mismatch
  • Outlet Level Month Mismatch
  • Outlet Level Day Mismatch
  • Untagged Cash

Company Level Mismatch

Document image

Highlights the company level mismatch for Cash Declaration vs POS variance, Bank vs Cash Declaration variance and also Bank vs POS variance.

  • Positive variance means declaration/bank recorded more than POS
  • Negative variance means declaration/bank recorded less than POS

The Bank vs POS variance gives you an instant view of the cash at risk that needs to be addressed

Entity Level Month Mismatch

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Highlights the entity/brand level mismatch for Cash Declaration vs POS variance and Bank vs Cash Declaration / POS variance. This is based on the order month.

Fields to take note

  • O.Dte: Order date
  • Entity: Entity of the company
  • POS Sales: Net sales calculated from POS transaction or collection report data
  • Bank In: Cash declaration recorded by outlet
  • S.Var: Discrepancy between delcaration and pos (Bank In - POS)
    • Positive variance means delcaration recorded more than POS
    • Negative variance means delcaration recorded less than POS
  • Received: How much received from cash deposit in the bank
  • B.Var: Discrepancy between bank and delcaration (Bank - Bank In)
    • Positive variance means received more money than expected
    • Negative variance means received less money than expected
  • Bank vs POS: Discrepancy between bank and POS (Bank - POS)
  • Adj: Shows the adjustments manually made to Bank vs POS variance
  • Bank vs POS Ad Varj: Shows the post adjusted bank and POS variance

Take note that the important variance is Bank vs POS. The declaration difference is a reference point and used for automating matching process

Outlet Level Month Mismatch

Document image

Highlights the outlet level mismatch for Cash Declaration vs POS variance and Bank vs Cash Declaration / POS variance. This is based on the order month.

  • The fields are similar to the fields in Entity Level Month Mismatch
  • Users can choose to perform the adjustments at this level or perform it separately at a daily level. Perform filter to drill down.

Take note that adjustments made at a daily level currently do not rollup to this widget. Monthly adjustments need to be manually made here.

Outlet Level Day Mismatch

Highlights the outlet level mismatch for Cash Declaration vs POS variance and Bank vs Cash Declaration / POS variance.

Document image

  • The fields are similar to the fields in Entity Level Month Mismatch with additional 3 fields
    • V. Dte: Value Date
    • Days Late: How many days elapsed for deposit since sales date
    • Bank vs POS Rec Status: A text description of the breaks amount
  • Users can choose to perform the adjustments at this level or perform it separately at a month level. Click on the remarks column to type in your comments and click on the adj fields to key in your adjustment amount. To see the adj take effect click on the reload icon on the top right of the widget.
  • Perform filter to drill down.

Take note that adjustments made at a daily level currently do not rollup to monthly entity widget.

Related Tables

Below is a list of where data are stored in VAL.


Table Name

Individual outlet deposit declaration records

Deposit Declaration [Outlet]

Collection of all outlet deposit declaration records

DW-UDT: RevRec Deposit Declaration

 Related Tables and Queries

In our list of queries, you can identify [to be populated]


Query Name


Related Workflows

Below is a list of workflow to trigger for performing various automation in VAL.


Workflow Name

Trigger data check

RevRec | Data Availability Check

Trigger reconciliation

[To be populated]

Related Dashboards

Below is a list of dashboards for viewing the results of reconciliation


Dashboard Name

Cash Recon Dashboard (Last month)

RR | Cash Recon

Cash Recon Dashboard (For users to change the date and see reconciliation for different month

RR | Cash Recon - Adhoc

Cash Recon Dashboard (This month)

RR | Cash Recon - This Month