Dispute Tracking

3P Delivery Dispute Tracking



With hundreds and thousands of dispute taking place on 3rd party delivery platform, the need to track and claw back any illigit dispute deduction is becoming more and more essential to prevent revenue leakage. VAL currently tracks 3rd party delivery platform disputes using their provided settlement reports.

Designed to reduce manual effort, this tool ensures customers have the tools to combat against disputes.

Steps for tracking disputes

  1. Collect data
  2. Run dispute analysis
  3. Review Dispute Analysis Results

1. Collect data

For all 3rd party delivery platform Grab, Food Panda and Deliveroo; VAL collects data from platform reports. Reports will need to be uploaded into VAL Drive for ingestion.

You can find the instructions on how to upload report into VAL Drive at VDrive

For details for each platform, you can refer to our list of Connector Library. Click on the connector to view the instructions for uploading the report into VAL.

2. Run dispute analysis

To run the analysis, you can do it either via the dashboard thru the buttons provided or going to the workflow module to run the specific workflow on the backend. Please refer to the related workflows at the end of this article to find the workflow for triggering the reconciliation.

3. Review analysis results

Go to the corresponding dashboard to view the analysis result. Please refer to our list of dashboard at the end of the article, where we list the dashboard name for each platform.

The recon dashboard contains the following widget

  • # of Dispute by Outlet and Platform (Merchant Fault)
  • # of Appeal Raised by Outlet and Platform (Merchant Fault)
  • # of Appeal Won by Outlet and Platform (Merchant Fault)
  • 3P Delivery Platform Dispute Transaction (Merchant Fault)
  • 3P Delivery Platform Dispute Transaction (Platform/Customer Fault)

Dispute, Appeal Raised and Appeal Won

# of Dispute by Outlet and Platform (Merchant Fault)

Highlights the number of disputes for the month by outlet and platform. So that you have a quick overview on where you need to dive into.

# of Appeal Raised by Outlet and Platform (Merchant Fault) Highlights the number of appeal raised for the month by outlet and platform. This is based on the appeal date entered into VAL.

# of Appeal Won by Outlet and Platform (Merchant Fault) Highlights the number of appeal won for the month by outlet and platform. We scan thru the invoices as the data gets loaded to identify the successful appeal.

Document image

3P Delivery Platform Dispute Transaction (Merchant Fault)

Document image

Highlights the transaction that have disputes due to merchant fault

Fields to take note

  • O.Dte: Order date
  • Entity: Entity of the company
  • Plt: Platform anme
  • Outlet: Outlet of the Entity
  • Receipt No: POS Receipt No (if key into POS for 3P delivery)
  • Plt. Short Code: Short code identifier of platform order
  • Pre Refund Net Sales: Net Sales before any refund have been receive from platform
  • Staff Top-Up: Top up by staff for the dispute order (For user entry)
  • Bal. Not Refund: Net outstanding post staff top up and refund from platform
  • Post Refund Net Sales: This is the net sales after receiving the refund from platform
  • Plt. SR Deduction: Deduction by platform on the net sales for the dispute
  • Refund: Amount return by platform for the appeal
  • Appeal Date: Date of appeal (For user entry)
  • Refund Date: Date of refund by platform

Users enter the appeal date to track centrally all the appeal raised in VAL

Users can also enter the staff top-up amount when a policy exist for doing so.

For the Refund and Refund Date, both will be automatically populated by VAL upon scanning of new settlement data loaded into VAL.

3P Delivery Platform Dispute Transaction (Platform/Customer Fault)

Document image

Highlights the transaction that have disputes due to customer or platform fault

Fields to take note

  • O.Dte: Order date
  • Entity: Entity of the company
  • Plt: Platform anme
  • Outlet: Outlet of the Entity
  • Receipt No: POS Receipt No (if key into POS for 3P delivery)
  • Plt. Short Code: Short code identifier of platform order
  • Post Refund Net Sales: This is the net sales after receiving the refund from platform
  • Refund: Amount return by platform for the appeal
  • Refund Date: Date of refund by platform

Related Tables

Below is a list of where data are stored in VAL.


Table Name

List of all dispute orders from all 3P delivery partners

SOL-RR: Dispute Tracking

 Related Tables and Queries

In our list of queries, you can identify [to be populated]


Query Name


Related Workflows

Below is a list of workflow to trigger for performing various automation in VAL.


Workflow Name

Trigger dispute analysis

SOL-DM: Grab | Deliveroo | Food Panda

Related Dashboard

Below is a list of workflow to trigger for performing various automation in VAL.


Dashboard Name

Display dispute analysis

DT | 3P Delivery