How to use VAL: your quick start guide
Welcome to VAL! We're happy to have you. VAL is the place where data, solutions and people come together so that data can be democratise and teams can get their best work done. Check out the guide below for a quick tour.
Tip: To access our Help Centre and educational resources, click on the Doc icon found on app landing page when you logged in.
From the sidebar, you can access the different feature modules available in VAL.

The landing page is where you'll access your favourite workspace, dashboard, etc. Plus see a full listing of all workspace, dashboard and integration. You will also be able to access the documentation from the landing page.

At the bottom of the sidebar, you can get access notifications of action you have perform such as triggering of upload of data, reconciliation, data transformation, or generation of report. At the same time

Provide updates on the action you have taken. As some activities might take time, you can always check the status of completion here on the notification tab.